Michael Scott Photography

I am a professional photographer who loves photography and capturing the moments of life. I have been taking pictures since elementary when I would save up to buy disposable cameras. Events in our unique lives need to be remembered and I intend to do so, one picture at a time. Check out my main website at http://www.mscottphotography.com. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hey There!

Here are some more shots of my latest shoots. Woohoo!! Enjoy

Meet Alyssa. She needed headshots to pursue serving a service mission in the Nauvoo Pageants. Good Luck Alyssa!!

This is DeeDee. We went out to Utah Lake to have a little fun and walked away with this image. I love it!

Here is the amazing Lizzie Love. She is truly fantastic. I love having her infront of my camera. The hair and make-up were done by the insanely talented Kylie DeMann. Thanks!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Recent Shoots. Ive Been Behind on Updating I Know. Sorry!

Hey There!
Here is a collection of my newest shoots and edits. Enjoy!